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7 April 2020


I am at home, like all of us. And it has to be like this.
In my mind many memories of the staff, of the distributors, of the skin therapists and of all the people that my family and I had the pleasure to have a relation with, during the past 40 years.

With all of you we share the values of sincerity, of respect, of cooperation and charity.
I keep on thinking with love and gratitude to the meetings, the seminars, the parties and the events that marked our professional lifes.

Over the last 15 years we have been discovering Italy and its infinite beauties together with everyone we had the honour to share our project with. Capri, Napels, Rome, Catania, The Dolomites, Florence, Lake Garda, Venice.
Today our beautiful Italy, together with the rest of the world, is fighting an invisible common enemy; therefore I believe we need to share a message of strenght and hope.

I take the inspiration from the message in the painting that Bioline Jatò dedicated to everyone to celebrate its 40th anniversary:

“When people, with their differences, come together they create a work of art.”

The team work is our magic.

Together we will manage to get through this difficult time.

See You soon

Clara Macchiella Corradini
Bioline Jatò Founder

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